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  • Information security
    Policy on ensuring personal privacy
    We do not collect personally identifiable information (PII) about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information. Provide specific information for each individual Web page, our job is voluntary, but in doing so you've allowed us to use this information for the intended target. Your failure to provide some personal information may make certain we can not provide you with a service you desire. If you decide to provide us with personal information on a website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, by filling out a declaration form online or send us an email, we only use this information to provide you with information or services you have requested, or to respond to your message. Information that we can get from you will vary depending on what you do while on our website.
    We will collect and store the domain name that you automatically access the Internet through it (.com, .edu, etc.); the date and time you visit our website; and the Internet address of the website from which you come to our site (such as search engines or page references). We use this information to obtain access statistics on the number of different pages on our site and to help us make our site more useful for users like you.
    If you email us
    You can decide to provide us with personal information, by e-mail when you make a comment or question. We only use this information to refine their services to you or to respond to your request. Sometimes we forward your e-mail to other agencies of the US Government, which can help you better. Except for cases where law enforcement investigation authority, we do not share e-mail with any other outside organizations.
    The websites and third-party applications
    We have links to social networking sites and third-party websites. We use social networking sites to interact with the foreign audiences and to engage in public diplomacy activities worldwide. Social networking sites used to promote events of the embassy and invited the public to participate. We also use the network technology and custom measurement to determine how many people visit our sites and the different sections of the page, and to help make our sites become more useful for users. In some cases, third-party applications can be asked to provide e-mail addresses, user names, passwords and geographic location for account registration purposes. We do not use third-party website to apply for and collect private information of individuals. We do not collect and store any personal information has been any third-party website that collects, and will not disclose, sell or transfer your personal information to any entity other outside the Foreign Ministry, unless required for law enforcement purposes or as prescribed by law.
    We can use all kinds of different online surveys to collect opinions and feedback from a random number of people on the network. Foreign Ministry primarily used online tools ForeSee survey results forecast index of satisfaction of US customers (American Customer Satisfaction Index, ACSI) on an ongoing basis to get feedback and data on satisfaction of the network for our sites. This survey does not collect personal information. Although the survey invitation to appear with some random people to network, participate in a survey or not is up to you and not all embassy sites were surveyed. If you refuse to participate in a survey, you will still have access to the information and material contained on our website is like those who have participated in the survey. The survey report is only used for the network manager and the designated staff, who need the information to perform their jobs. We can use the survey to other limited time for separate purposes and will explain the purpose of the survey which when posted online.
    Information is collected for tracking and custom (Cookies)
    A cookie is a small text file that a Web site go to your computer to allow it to remember specific information about your visits around the time you connect. Your computer will only share the information in the cookie with the website providing it, and no other website can request that information. There are two types of cookies:
    • According to the session: a session cookie lasts only access for a period of opening the browser (web browser) you. When you close your browser, this cookie will be deleted. The website may use session cookies for technical purposes such as to help to find their way in the page is better, or allow you to customize your preferences when interacting with the website.
    • Continuity: continuous Cookies are stored in a user's hard drive in order to determine the user is visiting the website for the first time or return to the site; and for those repeat visitors, it will block repeated invitations to participate in the survey foresee the level of satisfaction.
    If you do not want to have the session cookie or cookies under constant stored in your computer, you can disable cookies (choose: turn cookies off) in your browser. You can still access all the information and documentation on our website. However, closing the cookie may affect the operation of some sites. Be aware that the removal of the cookie in your browser will affect cookie usage at all other websites that you visit.
    Links to external sites
    Our website has many links to agencies, embassies, multilateral organizations and private organizations of the United States in the United States and in other countries. When you follow a link to another Web site, you are no longer in our database and you will follow the privacy policy of the new website.
    We always try to provide accurate information and complete. However, we can not guarantee that there are no errors. For documents and information on this website, no embassy or employees and service providers of the embassy that warrants anything, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose of the document obtained from this website. In addition, the embassy is not responsible for the accuracy of legal, completeness or usefulness of any information, product or process that is published through our website, and do not think the use of the information, products or processes that would be no violation of the right to private ownership.
    For network security purposes and to ensure that this service is available to all users, the State Department uses software programs to track the number of people on the network to identify intrusion illegal to upload or change information or cause other damage. The unauthorized access to upload or change information on this service is strictly prohibited and may be penalized under the Act Fraud and Abuse Computer 1986. Information can also be used for the law enforcement investigation authority. Except for the aforementioned purposes, we do not find other ways to identify individual users or the habit of using them. The unauthorized access to upload and / or alter the information on this site is strictly prohibited and may be prosecuted under the Fraud Act and the Misuse of Computers in 1986 and in 1001 and 1030 items of target 18 of the US Code.

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